Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nail Art Tutorial: Tie Dyed on short nails

So… Come Friday I will be on the road with my dad, step-mum and my two kids. We’re headed to Branson, Mo to see The Liverpool Legends, a musical group created by the late George Harrison’s sister Linda.


My dad saw them a year or two ago and said they were about the best you can get without really seeing the original Beatles. And I’m a huge Beatles freak, so I’m sure to be in the 7th layer of heaven.

I’ve figured out what I am going to wear for the concert…


That was a pretty easy one. I just couldn’t figure out what to do with my nails… I have pleanty of Beatles-themed polishes… and I’ve got some water-slide decals… But I wanted something different. So I came up with a variation of my tie dyed shirt for my nails. And I must say, I am very pleased with the results!!

Here’s what you’ll need:


You’ll need a rainbow of polishes. L to R: Sally Hansen’s Cherry Red, Ozotic 198, Orly’s Orange Punch, NYC’s Lexington Yellow, LA Color’s Mint, China Glaze’s Frostbite and LA Color’s Boomerang. You’ll also need a dotting tool or a pin, acetone and your cleanup brush and your favorite topcoat. I used Out the Door.


Step One: Working on ONE finger at a time, and at a quick pace, start out with red in the location of your choice. Use a rather heavy hand, as it needs to stretch all the nail.


Step Two: Using a heavy hand with the rest of the colors, edge the red and then work your way out. Don’t worry if some of the colors meld together, it will look great in the end.


Step Three: This is what you get once you put red, orange, pink (not shown in the pictures), yellow, green, blue and purple.


Step Four: Next take your dotting tool and pull down from the top corner and work your way down, then drag down a line diagonal to the rest. Sometimes you’ll have to clean off your dotting tool and also the sides where the polish pools.

Repeat these steps to all of your nails. When done and you remove (or try to remove) most of the excess polish off most of your nail, get your acetone and cleanup brush out and clean up the excess spillage.

Top with topcoat and you’re done!



Sometimes your colors will pull through the others and get kinda melded up. And there might be a few bare spots where you dragged the dotting tool or pin down too far and went straight to nail like I did in a few spots. I really love how this mani turned out and I hope that it’ll stay intact all week. If not, I can always redo it on Thursday.


So yeah, I’ll be rockin’ these nails this week and hopefully into the next weekend. I will be sure to take lots of pictures and share them on here! I hope everyone has a groovy weekend!!!!

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